
There is no longer any question that our planet is changing. Degradation of the world’s natural resources by humans is rapidly outpacing the planet’s ability to absorb the damage. Most studies show that human actions are causing insurmountable destruction to our planet Earth. How well do we, as individuals, understand both the far-reaching consequences of our actions and the varied threats that have led us to the brink? The increased usage of technology marvels is killing the planet, thanks to rapid industrialization, usage of fossil fuels and more, all contributing to rising levels of pollution.

Human Impact on the Environment

The Human race is changing the Earth and in the process endangering species, contributing to climate change and plundering natural resources. A long time ago, every corner of the earth was green, tall trees flourished in virgin forests and cleaned the air we breathe. Animals multiplied and Mother Earth maintained the balance. Clearly, urbanization and industrialization have taken a toll on the world, causing pollution and other health-related problems.

Since the dawn of urbanization, Mother Earth has suffered greatly; we use up resources faster than they are replaced. Our actions show that we do not care about our environment; we have contaminated the earth and tipped its balance, causing immeasurable ecological damage.

Rivers run dry every year, aquatic animals die and we are unable to realize the imminent danger (termination of our earthly existence). Are we going to take a stand or continue to cause insurmountable damage?

We Can Save Mother Earth!

To raise awareness on the importance of ecological sustainability, the 22nd of April is celebrated as the International Earth Day. Gaylord Nelson who was a former United State’s senator initiated the idea. In the past 50 years, truly a blink of an eye compared to more than 2 million years of our species’ history, we have seen an exponential acceleration of the unsustainable and wasteful use of natural resources. If we continue to produce, consume and power our lives the way we do right now, forests, oceans and weather systems could be overwhelmed and irreversibly damaged.

Easy lifestyle changes can greatly help in saving our planet. Below are some of the tips that can effortlessly be incorporated in one’s lifestyle. These would not just improve our health and finances but also save our planet.

Use Less Paper and Recycle It

The advancement in digital technology has made this process easier. The advent of mobile phones has reduced the use of paper or notebooks. If the demand for paper reduces, the amount of paper produced will reduce and more trees will fill our forests. Recycling paper requires less energy than making paper from virgin trees, which is the best way to save Mother Earth.

Use LED Light Bulbs

LED bulbs are eco-friendly, and consume less energy. Fluorescent bulbs are brighter and last five times longer than incandescent bulbs. Experts believed that if every home could switch off one of their fluorescent bulbs, it would reduce pollution equal to the removal of close to a million cars.

Reduce Water Usage

Water is life and should be used mindfully. Try and take short showers and use a low-flow showerhead. Not only are we saving the environment by using less water, but we are also cutting down our water bill.

Plant A Tree

Population increase has lead to a high demand for resources and deforestation. Trees recycle the air we breathe in. Cutting down trees increase the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. This causes environmental pollution. The only remedy is to plant more and more trees.

Use Renewable Energy

The use of fossil fuel in this era is increasing; they release carbon dioxide and other harmful greenhouse gases, which hurt Mother Earth. But using renewable energy sources like the below could be very useful:

  • Wind energy
  • Solar energy
  • Biomass energy
  • White coal
  • Tidal or geothermal energy and more

These energy sources do not cause pollution and their use is highly encouraged.

Stop Using Plastics

Plastics are synthetic non-biodegradable materials, which contains Bisphenol A, a deadly chemical known to cause extreme harm to human health. In bottled water, these chemical seeps into the water and cause many diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and more. Also, all plastics ever made are still on earth causing pollution. Find other alternatives for storing goods, packaging, etc. These steps will greatly help salvage our environment.

Turn The Light Off When You Leave The Room

More often than not, we leave the light bulb on when we leave our rooms. Turning off your light bulb, saves energy and electricity bill. If you use Incandescent bulbs, which consumes more energy, switch them off before you leave the room. For led bulbs, switch them off if you will be gone for at least fifteen minutes.

Recycle Your Glass

Surprisingly, un-recycled glass takes up to one million years to decompose, until it does, it causes pollution on earth. Always recycle your glass to reduce air pollution by twenty percent and water pollution by fifty percent.

Use Rechargeable Batteries

To cut back on the amount of batteries we buy and then throw, we can easily use Rechargeable batteries, which has longer life.

Share Your Knowledge

Share these little steps today with your friends and family. Surely, if each of us can decide to practice one of these steps, the effect on the environment will be noticed. No matter where and when you start, know that it’s a joint effort. Play your part and help save Mother Earth.

Is It Too Late?

The planet being pushed to the edge will eventually turn on us. Protecting the environment alongside economic and social development is critical for our well-being. Societal Development must be based on Ecological Sustainability. Society must have the capability and resilience to solve and preferably prevent its major problems in a timely fashion so that there is no undue stress on our ecology and planet. Our aggregate use of resources and land must be ultra-frugal. Material production should be done responsibly. Given the huge injection of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere over the last half-century, this stretch goal has become a long-term recovery target. We still believe that it is never too late to mend!

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Rod Proto is the Senior Advisor and Director of the Waste Strategy at GPB Capital. Rod resides in Houston, Texas with his family.

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